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Mr. Nelson’s Utah Studies Disclosure

 Welcome to Mr. Nelson’s class. I am very excited to have you in my class and am looking forward to a great year with you and your student. During class we will be implementing the Eight expectations for living; in our school. (see below). This will keep our classroom a healthy learning environment. In addition, in accordance with expectation eight, we will daily recite a life principle. Once again, this will contribute to a healthy learning environment. My deep hope is that every student who leaves my class will be a better person because of it.

Eight Expectations for Living

  1. We will value one another as unique and special individuals.

  2. We will not laugh at or make fun of a person’s mistakes nor use sarcasm or putdowns.

  3. We will use good manners, saying, “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me” and allow others to go first.

  4. We will cheer each other to success.

  5. We will help one another whenever possible.

  6. We will recognize every effort and applaud it.

  7. We will encourage each other to do our best.

  8. We will practice virtuous living, using the Life Principles.


Required Materials

-Blank Notebook

-Writing Utensils

Attendance: See the school handbook.

Phones and Electronics: See school handbook. Phones may be used, at times, in class but only with teacher permission. 

Bullying: There is a zero-tolerance policy for bullying.

Starters: It is planned that everyday as you come into class you will sit down, stop all conversation, and answer the question/s on the board. Label your answer with the title and number of each prompt. Once finished remain quiet so that others can finish. 

Quotes :  We have the awesome opportunity to memorize a series of quotes that relate to our class. Following the starter, it is expected that you recite the quote we are memorizing. We will do this as a class. 

Ending class:  Each day at the end of class we will have an ending procedure. This will involve cleaning and packing up your things etc. Once all things appear to be in order the teacher will dismiss you. 

Projects: There will be multiple projects throughout this course. I have found that in my own education I have learned the most from projects and teaching, to others. As a result, we will do teaching projects throughout this course. In other words, we will do projects and then teach each other what we have learned. 

Course Description:  We will learn the basic geography, economics, history, and government of Utah. Everything that we study will have the goal of preparing students to be good, well-educated citizens of this state. 


Follow the Eight Expectations! Come to class with all required materials, be respectful to everyone, participate, work hard, follow all rules, and have a good attitude!


         I believe students are wonderful. I am grateful for the creative energy they bring to class. That being said, sometimes students forget to channel their creative energy in the right way. If this happens, the educational opportunities of all the students, in class, are affected. Therefore, it is of extreme importance that students do behave properly. Upon entering class students agree to abide by all classroom rules. 

Retry Policy:

I believe in a policy of correcting failures rather than accepting them. As a result, students are free to retry anything we do in this class. Any redone work will not be graded with a late penalty. However, I strongly suggest keeping up with class. There will be a large amount of in-class work that will be very difficult to make up near the end of this course. I can’t accept late work after the end of a term.

Grading Scale:

Parent Presentations: I encourage parents to come present on their occupation, including stay-at-home mother, to the class, as part of our Economy of Utah unit! This will also count toward service log hours!  I would greatly appreciate any parents who would be willing to do that. That being said, I understand that many are busy and will not be able to make it. That is fine! In addition, unfortunately, time is limited, and we can only allow for so many occupation presentations.  If you would like to come to present to the class please, leave your email. I will contact you and we can figure out when/if a presentation can be done. Thanks so much for all your help.


Many educational films have been produced by history experts. Furthermore, millions of dollars have been spent upon many educational films and series. I believe we would be foolish to ignore this great resource. However,  I do not usually just turn on a video and let it play. I prefer to take segment clips of videos to help with understanding and to bring about discussion. Below is a list of videos and series which I will show clips from or possibly show in their entirety. You do have the option of opting out of these clips or videos. If you decide to opt out there will be a fair alternative assignment provided. Below there is a place to make note of and clips/videos/series you may want to opt out of. 

-The Iron Road: PBS

Mr. Nelson’s Class Rules and Procedures

Respect Yourself and others at all times: All of my rules are appendages to this one.

0. Use common sense!

1.  Be in your seat when the  bell rings. 

2.     At the start of class, we will do a starter and then a quote.

3.     Turn things in on canvas.

4.     Follow the Eight Expectations.

5.     Clean up and put away your materials before class ends. 

6.   I will get your attention through __“Hook em’ Horns.”______ This means that when I call “Hook em’ Horns” to the class you stop speaking and look to the teacher for direction.

7.     To get my attention, raise your hand. Wait until you are called on to address the teacher.

8.  Most needed materials are provided through canvas. All you must bring are writing utensils and a notebook.

9.  Do not sharpen your pencil when I am talking.

10.   Re-try policy. You may re-try any class work, up until the term cut-off date,

for full credit. (Be careful, don’t get behind.) 

11.  Do not be tardy. (see school tardy policy) 

12.  Do not eat or have food in the classroom. There are approved exceptions. 

13.   Follow the school dress code.

14. Do not bring toys to class.

15.  Follow teacher instruction on voice levels.

16. If you miss class consult canvas, before talking to me. 

17. If you don’t finish something in class, it is homework. 

18.  Reading quizzes, and other pop quizzes, may be given.

19. Drills: Follow the schools procedures during drills.

21.  When you finish your work, work on something else, or read. 

22. Technology must be treated with respect. You must follow the school

handbook technology policy. Only take your computer number on lab days. Rules on personal electronics must be followed.

23. Everyone in a discussion or group needs to participate.

24. In order to leave class, you must properly sign out.

25. Be in your seat unless told otherwise. 

26.  I try to avoid it but you may have homework. If the class wastes time in school then homework may be needed to make up missed learning opportunities. 

27. I assign work orally at times. Listen.

28. Grading will be based upon the instruction I give you, and effort. I may

also grade on things that are assumed. (Example: Is it legible?) Grades will be

put into the handbook’s scale. 

29. Grades will be posted on the computer as soon as I can get to them. 

30.  I may allow the opportunity to have extra learning opportunities. This is a way you can get more points. However, extra learning opportunities generally will never outweigh the work that should have been done for the class.

31. I may post student work in the classroom. There will not be a visible grade on a posted assignment. 

32. I may contact parents, if it is needed. If parents wish to contact me they are free to do so. (My contact information is below.) 

33. Any other reasonable classroom expectations.

34. I make mistakes. If you feel I have made one, feel free to contact me and we will work it out.

3. Follow covid 19 guidelines and rules.

Please, feel free to contact me.



​Room: #3

I have read, understand, and agree to, all content in Mr. Nelson’s Utah Studies Disclosure.

 Parent Signature: _______________

Student Signature: ______________

Parent Email: (If you would like to present on your occupation in class. Stay-at-home mothers are certainly counted. _____________________________________

Parents, does your student have permission to watch -The Iron Road: PBS

Yes No

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